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Kastoria & Siatista
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The Future : Investing

Past masters that they are at handling dangers, problems and crises, the furriers of Kastoria and Siatista are ready to face the future with confidence and optimism. Drawing inspiration from their wealth of tradition and experience, equipped with a mastery of modern techniques and technologies, and aware of the trends that shape demand on the world's markets, they are investing dynamically in the future of the sector.

Both the small, flexible, family businesses and the larger concerns, with significant export activity and international connections, are exploiting the challenges of the market to the full, while at the same time investing their knowledge and experience in the leather goods sector, and thus creating a regional nucleus of manufacturing and commercial enterprises.

The most encouraging sign for the future of the sector in our region is the commitment of a whole new generation of furriers to preserve their trade, combining the knowledge of their forebears with the possibilities of the new technologies and the demands of contemporary design.

The creation of permanent showrooms in the major international markets, as outlets for the finest and most fashionable fur products, together with the substantial infrastructure development that has taken place in Kastoria and Siatista over the past ten years will contribute immensely to the further revigoration and up-grading of the sector and its enterprises, as well as to the tourist profile of these historic regions.


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